歡迎前往以下網址:https://www.flickr.com/photos/194193768@N07/albums如有需要,可聯絡檔案處協助。編號相簿DM-AR-III-A-22021 The Episcopal Ordination of the Most Reverend Stephen Chow Sau-yan, S.J. as Bishop of Hong Kong, in Hong Kong 天主教香港教區周守仁主教晉牧禮儀DM-AR-III-A-12021 Macau Diocesan Youth Day 澳門教區青年日DM-AR-VI-A-92020 Procession of Our Lady of Fátima 花地瑪聖母聖像出遊DM-AR-VI-A-82019 Procession of Our Lady of Fátima 花地瑪聖母聖像出遊DM-AR-VI-A-72019 Procession of the Passion of Our Lord the God Jesus 苦難善耶穌聖像出遊DM-AR-VI-A-62018 Procession of Our Lady of Fátima 花地瑪聖母聖像出遊DM-AR-VI-A-5 /DM-AR-VII-A-12018 Procession of the Passion of Our Lord the God Jesus 苦難善耶穌聖像出遊DM-AR-VI-A-12017 Procession of Our Lady of Fátima 花地瑪聖母聖像出遊DM-AR-VI-A-22017 Procession of the Passion of Our Lord the God Jesus 苦難善耶穌聖像出遊DM-AR-VI-A-42016 Procession of Our Lady of Fátima 花地瑪聖母聖像出遊DM-AR-VI-A-32016 Procession of the Passion of Our Lord the God Jesus 苦難善耶穌聖像出遊